Forester for a Day

Earlier this month, Raise Cumbria invited KS1&2 children from Bewcastle School to attend a special event at Kingmoor South Nature Reserve.

As part of the school’s ambition to introduce the children to a wide range of job roles and different sectors, they were able to join Gary Waters (Head Forester) as ‘Forester for a Day!’

The Nature Reserve is one of Raise Cumbria’s flagship sites, where 12 hectares of trees were planted two years ago. Read more about it in our case study.

The children learned more about the different aspects of a Forester’s role as well as wider awareness of Forestry as an industry. Activities included learning how to identify trees in winter, how to inspect and understand soil structure and lots about the biology that underpins planting healthy trees. Children also had a go at planting their own trees – as well as learning about how to care for and maintain them, once they have been planted.

After lunch, armed with tapes and sticks, the children measured the height of trees and worked out their standing volume and biomass. Groups discussed how woodlands should be looked after to encourage biodiversity, but also how they can be used to create timber for building homes and making paper.

They finished with a long run around the reserve (even Gary!) as a reminder that woodlands are not only a great place to work, but they are also a great place to play!

Thanks to Bewcastle Primary School for their interest in the forestry industry – and for allowing us to share our passion for woodlands with them.

We hope that there may be some future foresters amongst them!

To find out more about what we are doing to encourage careers in the Forestry sector, contact us on


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