Join us for a community planting day: Cummersdale
Come and join us for a community planting day at Cummersdale on Saturday 8 March.
Community members help to plant trees
As part of a wider project with our partner Cumberland Council, we will be planting almost 9,000 trees to create a new woodland habitat at Cummersdale - and we’d love your help!
Join us on Saturday 8 March to help plant trees at our community planting day.
Trees and equipment will be provided - and our expert foresters will be on hand to instruct and support where needed.
You can learn about the planting scheme and how it has been carefully planned - addressing various environmental factors as well as meeting the needs of the local community.
Planting will take place in the field between the school and the Pirelli factory.
Please wear boots/wellies and dress warmly.
All ages are welcome but under 18s and vulnerable adults must be accompanied.
Please check-in at the Cummersdale Community Hall where facilities will be available.
Sign up here:
For more details, please contact a member of the Raise team on
One of our volunteer planters digging a hole to plant a tree.